
About Oliver

We’re not a packaging company that happens to serve the healthcare industry. We’re a healthcare company that drives innovation in packaging. And we’re not just a supplier. We’re a global partner who understands the complex needs of your business and the dynamics of your region. We help you manage any technical, quality and regulatory challenges you may encounter, quickly and with an unrelenting commitment to excellence.


From the factory to the operating room, our mission is to safely deliver life-saving products. Our packaging is always designed to the industry’s highest level of quality, so that you can deliver longer, healthier lives.

Designed to protect

Each product we package has the potential of having a life-saving and life-enhancing impact.
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Our History

From our beginnings as a machinery company in 1890, to our transition into medical packaging in 1968, Oliver’s history of innovation is what has enabled us to become an industry leader today.

See Timeline
Technical Labs
Manufacturing Facilities
Our singular focus on healthcare packaging, combined with our global reach and local in-language support, enables us to deliver superior solutions, unsurpassed quality, and value to our customers.

Our Leadership Team

A Proud Legacy of Leadership

We have a proven track record for delivering high quality materials and expertise to medical device and pharmaceutical companies around the world. Our leadership team is proud to build upon our legacy of packaging excellence to drive innovations and value across increasingly complex and changing environments.

Leadership Team

We are passionate about supporting and strengthening our local communities through company-sponsored volunteer and fundraising events.

Oliver Cares