News & PackTalk Blog | Oliver Healthcare Packaging

Fast and Furious: The Quest for Sustainability

Written by Oliver Healthcare Packaging | Oct 17, 2023 3:22:00 PM

It is amazing how quickly priorities change. Medical packaging industry buzz is no different. In 2014, “sustainability,” (while growing in prominence in other sectors) was in its infancy as far as the medical packaging industry was concerned. In 2017, our industry eyes shifted to the ticking clock of enforcement for the new EU MDR. And in 2020, every conversation went silent except for one, everywhere. By 2022 business was back, yet it took time to regroup: just where did we leave off?

Our industry faces complex, critical challenges. We must meet requirements for patient safety while ending waste, recycling, and shrinking our carbon footprints. Formidable? Yes. But Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the first step really is hardest one.

This article, Five ways to achieve sustainable medical packaging, from Chemical Abstracts Service, takes the first step for you (and us!). It’s time to regain our momentum and make sustainable medical packaging old news, because we’ll have reached the summit.